Hidden Potential

🍷 The further you progress toward mastery, the less conscious awareness you often have of the fundamentals. Experiments show that skilled golfers and wine aficionados have a hard time describing their putting and tasting techniques…
                                                                          -Adam Grant,  Hidden Potential

Adam Grant’s new book, Hidden Potential, may be his best yet and it talks about a major reason I founded Francey not Fancy: "the more you know, the harder it is to fathom what it's like to not know."

Some of the best experts with the most knowledge aren't always the best teachers. They forget how to talk about their subject like a normal human. I've tried to keep the basics in everything I do at Francey Not Fancy, so that wine conversations feel approachable, relatable, and fun, not formal.

Do I know more than the average person about wine?
Do I still remember what it's like to not know more than the average person?
Do I learn something new about wine almost every single day because it's a long journey and there is so much to master? Absolutely.

Will you always be welcome at Francey not Fancy whatever your wine knowledge may be?

Pull up a glass. 🍷
Happy to talk wine with you any time at any level.

Chin! 🥂
(That's French for "Cheers!")




Veuve Clicquot: Widow Clicquot