They’re Gr-r-reat!

I got this text from a friend recently:

“I need a pairing for Frosted Flakes. This is a serious inquiry.”

My first thought? Milk.

My second thought? Is this dry cereal we’re scarfing by the handful or are we trying to pair wine with cereal in milk?

My vote? Skip the milk, save the calories for the wine, and try a creamy Chardonnay.


Chardonnay that has been through malolactic fermentation can often have a buttery or creamy quality.

MLF is a chemical process that turns malic acid (which is tart) into lactic acid (which is creamy).

Lactic acid is also the same acid you find in milk.

So give a creamy Chardonnay a try with a dry handful of Frosted Flakes and see if it mimics that cereal with milk sensation, if you’re so inclined. (I’m still debating this one.)

An even more obvious pairing would be a dessert wine or sweet Riesling. They were born for sugar and sweets.

Definitely avoid dry Champagne, which would be way too acidic and bitter with those sugary Frosted Flakes.


Que Syrah, Sirah


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